Hey there, I’m Fernando D’Andrea, 
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University



Fernando Monteiro D’Andrea

I was born in Brazil and worked as a business consultant and lecturer in both Europe and Latin America for over 10 years. I got my PhD in Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University under the guidance of Dr. Per Bylund.

I work mainly with the role entrepreneurs play in an economy, especially on the interplay between entrepreneurship and institutions and how and why entrepreneurs choose to face uncertainty.


I am interested in the intersection between entrepreneruship and institutions, in particular policy, on how the institutional environment influences entrepreneurs, and on how they do the opposite. I also look at why and how entrepreneurs choose to face uncertaint and on the consequences of entrepreneurship (or lack thereof) to society.


I’ve been a lecturer for over a decade in South and North America. I teach entrepreneruship & business topics and got a number of teaching awards!


Take a look at my CV to see details of my research, teaching, service and more.

